Wednesday, February 16, 2011

It all starts with something as simple as being in nature and listening to the wind.

Its been a long and crazy week filled with  deadlines and   hormonal teenagers who stop by my office to share their view of the world. I'm craving a quiet weekend  at my cabin in Wonder Valley where I  have plenty of space to rejuvenate and dream about things bigger than myself.

Wonder Valley is a  rural area in the Mohave desert located 12 miles northeast of Twentynine Palms. The winter light is warm and magical and my neighbors are an eclectic mix of desert artists, families and  homesteaders. 

My little homestead cabin lives on 5 acres with a  panoramic view of the mountains and a spectacular view of the night sky.  A perfect place to relax, reflect, make music and practice yoga to the rhythm of the sunrise.  
Rebuilt Homestead
La Luna should be full this weekend. If I'm lucky the coyotes will stop by for a howling session.   I'm packing up the flutes, drums, yoga mat and Kulama. Its time to homestead. 


  1. Love your little cabin and the surrounding area. I also checked out your photo site and your photography is transcending. Could you send me more info on the location. I'm planning a trip to Joshua Tree and would like to drive through 29 and discover Wonder Valley. I'll send you and email so we can chat. Miles

  2. Sounds like a great time. I'm familiar with Wonder Valley. I love the Inn in Twentynine. Great photo's. Where can I purchase. Greg
